Donate to EARS Now!
100% of all donations
go to the care of rescue animals in our program!
We are all volunteers. Your donation is tax deductible.
One time
Comment (optional)
If you are interested in adopting, click here for an application!
After completing your application, please contact your vet
authorizing the release of your records to EARS.
Empire Animal Rescue Society is a foster-home–based rescue group that is a 100% volunteer-run organization. We work full time identifying animals in need of rescue, transporting animals to foster homes, and executing safe and responsible companion pet adoptions.
We rescue locally and beyond. We will stop if we see an animal in distress or in danger. We've walked a number of dogs from highways after an unwanted escape!
Simply, we rescue animals 24/7.
Our mission is simple:
Rescue as many companion animals as humanly possible in the most efficient and safest manner for owner and animal.
We communicate through email.
Due to our small (but mighty!) team, your email communication will begin only
after you have submitted your Adoption Application Form.
Complete your Adoption Application Form completely and thoroughly.
We rely on the information on this form to determine adoption approval. We process applications in the order that they are received. Adoption appointments will only be scheduled after your application has been approved.
Preference is given to those who have ...
A verifiable veterinary reference (You must call your vet to authorize records release to EARS.)
A home or residence (Home ownership is verified through public court records. Renters, please provide landlord contact information.)
Been former adopters through the EARS program (We know you already!)
Completed the form and answered all mandatory questions
The best "lifestyle match" for the animal of interest (Example: You work at home and the animal requires frequent walks. That's a checkmark for "lifestyle match!" )